Family gathering holiday table setting - Let's make boiled spring onion as the main menu

 Isn't it important to eat when families get together during the holidays?

I do this and that, but I'll give you strength at least one 

You have to make it as the main menu so that the table setting won't be empty. 

I've prepared boiled pork that is not that difficult, simple, and that most people can eat without liking or disliking. 

First, I went to buy meat, 

There's no Arong situation... so I just bought a fan fat.

There are tendons in the middle of the Arong incident or fan fat 

It's a bit of a drag when you grill meat,

Boiled meat doesn't make the meat too mushy and it feels chewed in the middle, so it's good. 

It's not that difficult. 

But it takes a long time.. 

And just remember that you have to make it a day before the table is set. 

You can cut the meat and drain the blood, or you don't have to. 

Trim about four roots of green onions, but leave the root beard

It's also good to boil it together. 

Peel the onion and shake off the soil, but just put the root beard in the container. 

Add about 10 garlics in a container. 

You can add it with the meat and boil it now. 

When it first starts to boil, turn it down to a minimum low heat. 

And boil it for about 3 hours. 

Come every 30 minutes in the middle and roll up the oil and foam

After boiling it well, take out the meat, wrap it in plastic wrap, and send it to the refrigerator

You can just take all the green onions and garlic out of the broth and throw them away. 

When the broth cools down, filter out the hardened oil on the upper layer and discard it. 

You can season the broth to your taste. 

When a customer comes the next day, take out a hot pot, slice a lot of green onion and lay it on the floor,

I put the cooled meat in the refrigerator and cut it into thin slices 

Please spread it out and put it on the back. 

I'll scoop up a ladle of broth and boil it a little bit

If you give it to the top, the main menu is complete 

And you can use the remaining broth when cooking rice cake soup. 

That's how the Lunar New Year main menu is done 

If you try it at a housewarming party or a family gathering, it becomes a rich table

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