Bitcoin Trading Diary 20240216 - Holds Long Perspectives Yet.

 So far, there are no signs of a downward reversal.

However, it is a dangerous section if you just trust the long position.

Trading Strategy and Criteria

Basically, when deciding on a long short position, it's based on the Dow theory. 

Select your current position, depending on whether you are increasing or decreasing your full and full highs. 

Since there have been quite a few gains in recent days, rather than expecting a complete reversal of the decline 

That's enough for a pretty big adjustment. 

The daily RSI is also an overbought section, and the MACD is also showing signs of a histogram bending. 

However, the current trend should always be prioritized over subsidiary indicators

I don't take a short position based on that. 

I entered the long position this morning and came out with a short profit of around 2%. 

Daily Volatility and Their Response

Even if there is an adjustment, I think there will be a 10% +_ 5% adjustment of around 47,000 rather than a significant drop

Or you could run a little bit more and go around 60000 and come out for adjustment. 

Personally, I don't buy and sell through prediction. 

There is a possibility like this, and there is a possibility like that. 

If I move like this, I have to do like this. If I move like this, I have to respond like this with Plan B. 

It's just thinking about the scenario. 

And if you don't think it's certain, hold your bat short 

I'm satisfied with 2 to 3% profit per day and wait and see the market. 

You're more wary of trying to be too greedy and making a big loss. 

How to identify trading signals

I can't look at the charts all day long

I set the alarm in Trading View and try to look at the chart only when that alarm goes off. 

If I keep looking at the chart, I get nervous when I have a position 

Or when you don't have a position, you get greedy and jump in. 

I put up the chart far away and didn't focus too much. I was trying to figure out the flow 

When the notification comes, we only analyze it in detail then. 

The standard for sale is mainly a 15-minute bar or an hour bar. 

Set alarms on macd secondary indicators and use them. 

The Bitcoin Market Narrative

These days, Bitcoin runs thanks to the money that keeps flowing into ETFs

The altcoins start to move up and down a little bit. 

There used to be a lot of junk coins,

Now there are verification agencies and crypto media 

It seems that the ecosystem is starting to be properly established. 

The fact that altcoins are wriggling suggests that a real bull market is coming. 

It's going to be rolling in the middle, 

It is expected that the upward movement will generally be maintained until the first half of the year. 

I wish all the traders in the world a lot of support and good luck!!

Everyone, fighting and successful investment!!!

I share my luck with you!!

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