Ultra-easy - Grilled Pork Belly Vegetable Oven

 It's a super simple dish at home today, too 

Delicious, cost-effective, hearty, 

And most of all, it's time to cook something easy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!

What? Is this it? The end of cooking??

This is how easy it is. 

It only takes time to bake in the oven, and it's easier than ramen. 

First, place the cooking foil on the oven tray. 

(You don't have to peel it, but it's hard to remove oil later. Just lay out the cooking foil and throw out the foil later.)

And put the pork belly on top of a lump. 

In fact, buy lumpy meat for boiled pork. 

And put the vegetables you want, such as mushrooms, carrots, potatoes, and garlic. 

You can throw it like this like you spray it around the meat. 

Then, the oil comes out of the meat and it's cooked together. 

Lastly, sprinkle flavor salt (including seasonings) evenly over meat and vegetables 

If you spray it too much, it's salty. 

If it doesn't taste right, you can make sauce and dip it in

Please don't spray it too salty. 

And put in the oven and bake at 160 degrees for 25 minutes. 

And if you have time, turn the meat over and grill it for another 20 minutes. 

The end

You can cook like this?? 

Hahaha, try it. 

You will lose your desire to order delivery food. 

I hope you all have a delicious and healthy meal today
