Netflix movie recommendations - Asteroid City, a mix of Wes Anderson's mise-en-scène and Zhangjiha's "Ho-jub-mong."

 The director Wes Anderson

He is my favorite director since I saw the Grand Budapest Hotel.

It's the work of director Lee. It's not interesting.

However, the unique composition, color, actors' acting style, etc 

We are making works that clearly project Wes Anderson's unique mise-en-scène. 

Even if there's no information about director Lee, it's made by the person who made it!!

It reveals colors so clearly that anyone can tell. 

I love writers and directors who have such a strong personality. 

His latest Asteroid City is starting to come out of netflix.

The actual release took place last year and now Netflix is up.

The director has a different way of developing his films than other films

There are some parts that are unfamiliar and difficult,

The movie makes me feel like I'm reading a novel rather than an elder. 

There's a word called visual noble, graphic noble, 

It's different from that, but the word itself seems to fit Wes Anderson's works. 

Asteroid City is one of the director's most famous works

I think it's a little more difficult, 

There is another frame in the frame and another frame in it. 

I'm dreaming, and it's like dreaming about the main character in it and talking in it. 

The story development goes back and forth between the primary frame, the secondary frame in it, and the tertiary frame in it.

So there is a bit of confusion from the perspective of the viewer.

It feels like it gives the audience the intended confusion of the director rather than the inexperience of the story development.

While watching this movie, I remembered the story of Jangja's favorite dream. 

 I woke up after dreaming of becoming a butterfly and flying around in the memory,

I don't know if the butterfly is really me in my dream or if I'm really me right now

I can't tell if the dream is real or real.

A lot of things that we think are important to live our lives and recognize

It is a philosophical approach to whether it is really real or an imagination we have created.

It's not clear if this is the director's intention 

I kept thinking that while watching this work. 

a work in a work. 

An actor acting. An actor acting. 

When I look at it, I look at the story within the primary and secondary frames

What should we focus on, 

What's the main story and what's derived from it 

I'm constantly thinking. 

After the movie is over, the steaminess is contained in my heart. 

What did I see?

When I think about it, I think I watched the movie well. 

What the director wanted to tell is not about telling an interesting story

This is because it may be to throw that steam into the audience. 

If you're curious about what it feels like, you can watch Asteroid City on Netflix

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