Costco grocery shopping menu recommendation - Let's make simple meals, chives, sundae soup, and rice soup for old men at home

 The soul food of Korean old men.

I didn't appoint Sung Si-kyung as the Minister of Rice and Soup for no reason. 

Just as old men put oil in their cars, they have to put rice soup in their stomach electrically.

It is a nuisance to beg your busy wife to prepare warm soup.

Let's keep the easy-to-cook sundae soup in the refrigerator!!!!

Characteristics of this product The advantages and disadvantages of this product 

Of course, it's not sponsorship or advertising, but it's my own money.

Experience groups and product sponsors come in from time to time, but we haven't done it yet. 

Recently, there are a lot of grocery shopping at Costco

I also bought this product from Costco. 

It's chives meat sundae soup from a company called Hadream.

There's a lot of broth and meat (I think it'd be nice to cut the meat into smaller pieces)

The amount of sundae is a little small. (There are not many sundae soups in it these days.)

The soup is very, very thick.

However, when cooled, it is not a thick soup that is greasy enough to harden the oil. 

It smells a little piggy, but I personally prefer this to being too neat. 

I'm eating pork, and I'm going to smell pork. 

Convenience, convenience, packaging status

There are two packs of broth and meat.

It's a good packaging for two meals. 

Half of the total package, so if you boil just one bag

It contains about 1.5 to 2 servings. 

The packaging is neatly, vacuum-packed and safely contained. 

Taste and ingredient status  

The title is soondae soup, but I don't want to compliment soondae very much.

It doesn't taste special, and it's so salty that it's all bursting.

However, the meat is of good quality, and there seems to be enough quantity.

Spicy seasoning is included separately, but it's not spicy at all if you don't add seasoning.

When eating with children, you can put the seasoning in each bowl and put it separately for adults.

Overall, the taste is quite good along with the soup. 

It's much better than the franchise sundae soup restaurants sold in the neighborhood.

It's a little inferior to the very delicious restaurants,

I think it's the most delicious thing I've ever bought for a simple breakfast at home. 

Comparison to price satisfaction

These days, a lot of simple dishes are coming out of various companies,

There are also a lot of soup dishes like sundae soup.

I haven't experienced it a lot, but I think I've tried about five companies.

Among them, I would like to give the top prize to Lee Hae Dream's chives and sundae soup. 

The price is a little expensive.

It's almost the same price as eating it at a local sundae soup restaurant. 

But I think it's good enough to taste it, 

The cost-effectiveness is so so, it tastes good. I'd like to say this. 

Is that why I recommend it? I recommend it. 

I think I'll buy it again next time. 

Sometimes it's hard to go to a restaurant or have it delivered, 

I think you can use it very well in that case. 

Rather than eating cheaper products, I think it's better to eat this even if it's a little expensive

He's a friend who pays for his money

The soul food of old men all over the country. Keep it in the fridge

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