Art Toy, Webtoon Writer's Diary - What Is Time? Why Time View Is Important in the World View.

 Have you ever thought about what time is?

What time do we have to get there by!!!

There are a few minutes left 

What time is it now?

I talk about time many times a day, 

We don't even think about what time really is. 

It hasn't been that long since I've lived recognizing that time is passing as it is now. 

With the emergence of railways in England and the establishment of rail networks throughout Europe

between cities that are geographically remote 

We're living in different time zones 

A unified time specification was needed to organize the train's schedule. 

The Earth is divided into twenty-four equal parts based on the Greenwich Observatory in England

The rule is that each line moves at a one-hour angle. 

Without that standard, when a train from Istanbul arrives in Paris

Should I use it as a reference or a destination,

This is because there are many problems such as how long the train runs, and so on. 

There are even a watch and a wristwatch 

People get used to sharing their time and thinking 

I make a schedule by that time and start living busy. 

And of course, time... Like the second hand and minute hand

There is a perception that it continues to flow in turns. 

But in modern physics, time is not passing. 

Time is an axis of space. 

We live in three dimensions, and the strange world is often referred to as four dimensions

In fact, the world we live in is time and space combined.

It's fair to say that we live in a four-dimensional world. 

Some say that mathematical proof is 11 dimensions or more,

It's a story when you add all the dimensions in other areas, like quantum mechanics

The macroscopic world that we live and feel lives in a four-dimensional space-time, including time. 

according to Einstein's principle of relativity 

I've observed that gravity bends into space and time

Time doesn't go by 

It's the illusion that we're consciously flowing with increasing entropy. 

As you can't say that the space started in the east and spread out to the west

Time does not unfold from the past to the future. 

Cause and effect is only true on the assumption that time passes from the past to the future. 

The future exists like that 

That's what I want to do now 

You get to act. 

At the same time that we're being dragged into the future

We can also say that we attract the future. 

It's a human expression, and in fact, it's not about attracting each other

That's how it's already been completed and built. 

For the understanding of human thinking 

It's just an expression that's similar to what happens. 

Depending on what you think time is

Infinite imagination is possible. 

Recently, Marvel Universe travels through time. 

I was looking at the time as a timeline

Under the assumption that it can go backwards 

A lot of stories come up. 

If you firmly believe in the assumption that time is not passing

His story will be completely different. 

What is time for me? 

Depending on how you answer the question 

The way you look at the world is completely different. 

What do I like? What would I look like in the future?

So what is the task that will come to me now? You will think like this. 

Because of Copernicus' transition and Galileo's role 

The view of the god-centered world in the Middle Ages collapsed. 

But it took a long time for it to be accepted by the public. 

There are still a lot of people who live with the perception of the Middle Ages. 

Einstein's Relativity Principle 

We're going to have to change a lot. 

But that, too, will take a very long time. 

What do you think time is?

What is your time?

How is your world built?

Time doesn't pass. Space-time is distorted by gravity. My future is complete. I read it and find where I need to be.
