Preventing a Cold in-between Seasons - Correct Bellflower Pear

 My children are still young, so when it's in-between seasons, they go through a cold. 

So I'll work hard to take vitamins

I try to feed you things that are good for you. 

I've been feeding him propolis for a long time, and the brand I used to buy was just right.. 

It was mixed with balloon flower juice and sold sweetly, but I don't sell it anymore crying

So I was looking for another alternative and bought the right bellflower pear. 

It's not a commercial. I just bought it I'm eating well and feeding them well^^

First of all, it's easy to carry around because it's a style to open and squeeze it out. 

When I travel or go out, I take some in my bag and put them in my mouth when the kids are chirping. 

It's not medicine, it's health food, so you can take several a day,

It tastes good, too. It's sweet and doesn't taste like bellflower, so kids don't avoid it and eat it well

It's good for health, it's convenient, and above all, it's important that children eat well

I don't know if it's because of this or because I ate well,

This time, I'm going to catch a cold and the change of seasons is passing by

Adults and children should try it this winter

It's cheap, so there's no pressure First of all, my family is satisfied.

I recommend it

I put up the link below If you're interested, please visit for details. 

Then we'll stop here. Have a fall without a cold

올즙 올바른 도라지배스틱, 1개, 750ml

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