Bitcoin Trading Diary 20231112 - Just look at % unconditionally.

 The amount of money currently operated and operated by selling gifts is insignificant. 

There is no great emotion or sadness even if you make a profit or lose it. 

I started selling gifts for the first time and put in quite a large amount without fear. 

I was so nervous that I couldn't live my daily life day by day. 

Like a bipolar person, my emotions fluctuated when the chart shook up and down. 

Like this, people are swayed by the amount. 

Wow, I made a dollar!!! No one does it, but wow I made $100!!

Ugh!!!! I made $10,000!!!!!!!!!!

It becomes like this. 

So even if I look at the chart these days, even if I look at the sales window, I try to look at only % of the price. 

If you can increase the amount now by 100 times without putting in extra money 

It has become a skill that can consistently make profits. 

If that's not possible, it'll be harder if it's a big amount. 

You should not react because the amount is small now, or overreact later because the amount is large. 

In any situation, you should practice moving according to the principle without psychological concentration. 

When you get used to any exercise, you act first like a conditioned reflex. 

Some people do trading with their hair,

I'm learning to my body like an exercise that sets principles and moves with conditional reflexes. 

Some people can change their behavior patterns in 21 days,

Some people say 100 days. 

Some people say 10,000 hours. 

It doesn't matter what. Even if it takes time, I just keep striving to get closer to my goal. 

It is worth believing that you are worth it. 

I consider acquiring trading skills one of the pillars of life. 

You have to put up a pillar to put the roof on it and complete the house. 

Let's cheer up!!! Let's go, let's go!! All the other traders, fighting in your own way to go for it!!
