Art Toy Planning - How to Extend Concepts

 I can explain the people who are living in the same era

Pick the five most important keywords

I want to interpret that keyword

And as a way to expand the concept more broadly

Let's collect opinions from various people.

First of all, I have to explain my concept as one of the participating writers.

And it should be expressed visually as well.

A similar process goes beyond the fields of art, such as novelists, musicians, and painters,

I'd like to ask people in science, engineers, architects, and so on. 

So what they think of as a breed or something,

What do you think will happen if you express it. I'm going to work on combining those things. 

It's not decided yet, but for example, the keyword 

Let's say we caught it with love, money, global, hyper-connected, AI. 

In series one, I express myself with the keyword of love,

Ask a musician to express money, 

Global to another architect, hyper-connected to another physicist.. 

In this way, we release Art Toy in series 1 as a collaboration with various people. 

And in series two, I express money 

I met people from all walks of life and asked for the rest of the keywords 

We're releasing Art Toy for series two. 

I'm working on a system to get people together like that

They don't participate out of good faith

In order for this ecosystem to really establish itself 

Everyone is trying to create a system that has enough merit and rewards to want to participate. 

With more people participating in the series

More thoughts will come together. 

People are like.. There are people who think about money like that..

Yeah, you could look at it like that..

That's what he thinks.. It will be a window to understand more worldviews while doing so. 

And if it's perfect for your idea

If I come up with a great idea

I think the desire to keep the art toy will increase further. 

Through that process, Art Toy's sales went up

It's getting more recognized, 

I think the expansion of the concept I wanted can spread naturally. 

What a great thinker or genius said 

I don't want to be accepted by everyone as the answer is. 

More people's thoughts 

Acceptance is an extension of the concept 

It is to broaden the framework of thinking and that is freedom and what I dream of. 

The sunlight is nice
