Let's buy granola on Coupang for breakfast!!

What do you usually eat for breakfast? What kind of breakfast do you usually give if you have children at home?

It's only a matter of time for me, and my children are still kindergarten students, so I eat snacks as soon as I go to school and give them a simple meal. 

They often give us rice balls, fruits, pancakes, nuts, toast, and cereal. 

I don't know if the category of cereal itself can be said to be healthy food,

Still, I am thinking about how I can take care of the food that is prepared easily in the morning. 

I'm sharing my thoughts because I think there will be many people who have similar concerns from the standpoint of raising children.

Even when I eat carbohydrates, I've heard that ground foods that are completely ground and ground are bad for my body because of excessive absorption. 

So when I cook noodles, bread, or rice at home, I usually choose something mixed with whole grains. 

It's hard to completely block flour, rice, and so on, but if you eat more whole grains at the rate you eat 

I thought it would be good in terms of nutrients. 

So I usually buy granola made with whole grains rather than regular cereal. 

There are granola products from companies like Callogg and Post

I think the granola ratio is too small. I don't think it's half as good..

When you open it, most of them are flour snacks or corn cereals.  

I bought this and that products because I thought I could increase the ratio. 

Then, I found a granola product that I bought from Coupang. 

The price is good, but the granola ratio is high. 

Of course, this product has sugar in it and it's hard to say that it's a completely healthy food. 

So I'm thinking about buying pressed oats and frying them with honey. 

Anyway, before that attempt, we use this product at home. 

The grain ratio is high and it's delicious Kids eat well, too^^ I think it's a good compromise, so let me introduce it. 

If you're interested, try buying it I think the price per gram is nice and good~~

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