Harruidsuit for Children - Oz Kids Chest Boots Highly Recommended!

 There are essential items at home where children are raised.

Sand play tools, sand play tools, sand play tools. 

Maybe it's just my kids, but I love sand the most in the world. So, what should we do? When I do it, I just answer "Sand play with sand. 

They're little Ningens who can't live in the sand. 

- So where do you play sand? We usually go to the beach. 

My house is not very close to the sea. We live in Bundang. It takes about an hour and 10 minutes to get to the west coast without traffic. 

Still, if you go to the beach, you can play sand on a completely different level from the playground in front of your house. 

And when you dig, sometimes clams come out, and when you catch little crabs, children's play becomes many times more enjoyable. 

But don't I go to the beach only in the summer?

We were like that, too. But we go to the beach from February to November to play sand except for the cold winter. 

It was possible because of this!!!!!

I bought you chest boots, so you don't have to worry about throwing away your clothes or getting wet and catching a cold

Wear it on top of the clothes you wore and have fun. Just take off your chest boots and wash them. 

Even if you sit on the floor or go into the water up to your ankles, there's a lot more space to play. 

No, no... Don't go in... I can now feel safe and let my children have fun. 

I like it a lot. I strongly recommend it. Even kids love it because they can enter places they couldn't enter. 

I love wearing this when I go to a valley other than the beach. 

I always carry a sand play set and kids' haze suit in the trunk of my car^^

I started doing it as a hobby, so I bought mine now. 

There are many different brands for sea lush clothes, but if you buy it incorrectly, it rips easily and the water is too strong 

Don't try to buy something too cheap, but buy something decent and use it for a long time

Other brands are good or bad. It's hard for me to say, but we bought it and used it

I recommend Oz Kids products because they are very satisfactory. 

It's sturdy and doesn't rip when you wear it. Very goodYo~

오즈키즈 아동용 고고 갯벌체험 가슴장화

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This weekend, we're going to wear this and go to the beach!

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