Herb tea recommendation - Celestial Seasonings’ Peppermint

Here is today’s herb tea recommendation~~

Celestial Seasonings’ Peppermint is today’s tea.

It seems like most herb tea brands include chamomile, rooibos, and peppermint in their category.

I guess it’s that much popular and loved by many people.

Celestial Seasonings is an herb tea brand pursues naturalism.

The price is very cheap, yet the quality is relatively good.

The qualities of packages and sachets are bit poor, but the quality of the tea, which is the essential component, is quite good.

This is how the box looks like.

And the sachets are not individually packed.

They are put in a box in a lump.

It doesn’t look so nice.

I wouldn’t give this to anyone for a present.

I started to smell strong peppermint once hot water was poured in.

Among many different mints (spearmint, peppermint, water mint, pennyroyal mint and etc…, peppermint is most used in edible products.

Peppermints are not naturally bred.  They are hybridization of spearmints and water mints.

And they were named peppermints because of their strong and sharp smell was similar to that of the peppers.

Just like the name “pepper”, this tea had very strong scent.

I could definitely feel strong mint in my mouth as if I just brushed my teeth.

I really like how this feels.

Peppermints are also known to be used as medicinal herbs for its effect in improving digestive and respiratory system.

I also drink peppermint tea whenever I have problem with digestion.

It’s also helpful in regulation of body temperature, so it will be good to drink it when you have a touch of a cold.

I think peppermint’s refreshing minty flavor will help a lot whenever you are in poor shape.

OK~ Hope everyone has a happy and a fragrant day~
