herb tea recommendation / CELESTIAL SEASONINGS - Sleepytime

Here is today’s herb tea recommendation.

As I get older my taste has changed.  Maybe because I’m drinking too much tea, but I drink hot beverages instead of cold when the weather is hot.

There is one more thing that has changed.

I did not have any problem sleeping on day or night after drinking coffee or tea, but now caffeine is affecting me quite a lot.

So, I try to avoid drinking any caffeine contained beverages late in the afternoon.  Thanks to these symptoms, I now have interest in herb tea.

Isn’t the name of the tea and the dozing cub drawn on the package cute?

As the name says it, this is good to drink before go to sleep.

There is no caffeine, and it will relax your body as it is a tea made with chamomile.

The scent is not so strong, and it feels very much like Chrysanthemum tea…

It feels even softer and less intense than general chamomile.

Not sure if this is because this brand’s chamomile is milder or other special blending is added.

How about you try the Sleepytime when you feel like drinking warm tea in a late night.
